The new series on Apple TV, Ted Lasso, is a hilarious and heartwarming story about a football coach from Kansas, who is hired to coach a professional soccer team in England. With its star–studded cast, Ted Lasso is sure to be a hit with viewers.
Leading the cast is Jason Sudeikis, who plays Ted Lasso himself. Sudeikis brings a likable charm to the character that makes it easy to root for Ted throughout his journey. Joining Sudeikis is Hannah Waddingham, who plays Rebecca Welton, the owner of the team, and Juno Temple, who plays Keeley Jones, the team’s star player.
The series is also filled with wonderful supporting actors, such as Brett Goldstein as Roy Kent, Phil Dunster as Jamie Tartt, Brendan Hunt as Coach Beard, and Nick Mohammed as Nathan Shelley. These actors bring a great deal of depth and emotion to the show, making it more than just a comedy.
The show also features some familiar faces in guest roles, such as Bill Lawrence and Joe Keery, who play the antagonistic owners of a rival soccer team.
Overall, Ted Lasso is a delightful show that is sure to have viewers laughing and crying throughout its 10-episode season. With its stellar cast and wonderful writing, it is sure to be a hit with viewers.