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Latest Message: 1 year, 2 months ago
  • guest_9466 : well this might not be the one...dunno
  • Ryanbenny : Doesn’t look like this one is syncing with the accounts.. the one above does but it’s not even loading which is weird
  • Ryan Benson : and does this link with your account so you don't can't change your name every message?
  • Ryanbenny : Yeah the URL box is a little weird I’ll see if I can disable it
  • Ryanbenny : Yeah the show will go there it’s a different live chat plug-in
  • Ryan Benson : also the URL box isn't needed right?
  • Ryan Benson : shouldn't that be the show?
  • Ryanbenny : Yeah that’s what I’m trying to test.. it’s a different plug-in and isn’t loading for me as well
  • Ryan Benson : whats up with the upper section? just says loading chat
  • Ryan Benson : Ryan benny?
  • Ryanbenny : Will the real Ryan Benson please stand up
  • Ryan Benson : hahahaha
  • Ryanbenny : But yes benson for life l!!!
  • Ryanbenny : Bruhhh you stole my name
  • Ryan Benson : Benson for life!!!
  • guest_8661 : Testing
  • guest_9288 : u getting this dawg?
  • guest_9288 : yo
  • Connor : Test Again
  • guest_9496 : Testing 4
  • guest_896 : Testing 3
  • guest_896 : Testing 2
  • guest_896 : Testing 1
  • guest_896 : Testing
  • The Admin : High five! You’ve successfully installed Simple Ajax Chat.